
mincsample - generate samplings from minc files. mincsample <options> <in1.mnc> <in2.mnc> <..>


Mincsample produces a data sampling on STDOUT from an input series of minc files. The output can be either ascii (-ascii) or as a raw binary stream of doubles (-double). The output data is ordered first by file then voxel. When -ascii is used the data values from each file are separated by a tab and the sampling points with a newline. When using -double, no separators are used.

If -coords is also specified, the world co-ordinate at each sampling point will precede the data from each of the files. An optional -outfile argument can also be used to direct the output to a file and -append used to append the data to the file as opposed to overwriting the file.

By default all data points are written out (-all) the output of points can also be constrained to be points within a mask (-mask and -mask_val) and further by a random sampling of a sub-set of points via the -random_samples and -random_seed arguments


Print extra information during processing.

Print only the ouput sampling data.

Overwrite existing output files (when used with -outfile)

-max_buffer size
Specify the maximum size of the internal buffers (in kbytes). Default is 4096 (4MB).

-mask mask.mnc
Specify and input mask, only sampling points within this mask will be used.

-mask_val value
Specify the value to use from the mask (Default: 1).

Sample all the data points.

-random_seed value
Specify the random seed value to use during random sampling, this is to enable reproducible runs. If no seed is given a semi-random seed will be chosen (from time).

-random_samples value
Specify the number of random samples to take from the input files. This value must be smaller than the maximum possible number of samples.

-sample sample.mnc
Output a mask file that corresponds to where samples were taken from.

-outfile file
Output sampling data to a file. (Default: STDOUT).

Append output data to an existing file.

Write out data as ascii strings (Default).

Write out data as double precision floating-point values.

Write out world co-ordinates as well as sampling values.

Print summary of command-line options and exit.

Print the program’s version number and exit.


Andrew Janke and Mark Griffin


Copyright © 2004 by Andrew Janke and Mark Griffin